
  I'm Frengkie Budiman. I have undergone 2 MAJOR SURGERIES at Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, on September 10, 2023 and July 10, 2024. I am DISABLED with the following conditions: 1. COLON RECTAL CANCER NEAR THE RECTAL RECTUM and LUNGS There is a TUMOR .  2. Operation July 10, 2024 Remove the TUMOR in the LARGE COLON and reconnect rejoin the LARGE COLON and have STOMA BAG on my STOMACH TUMMY. I DEFECATE through a STOMA BAG on my STOMACH in where the SMALL INTESTINE comes out of the my STOMACH.  3. Operation September 10, 2023 My TAILBONE IS  BROKEN. SPINE INJURY. The doctor installed metal plates on the left and right sides to hold my spine. I URINATE using a CATHETER every 4 hours 6 times a day.  4. My RIGHT HAND in the palm, fingers and arms are STIFF and LIMITED MOVEMENT and SWELLING and left and right LEGS are SWELLING.  5. CHEMOTHERAPY for 6 months. Every 2 weeks at Royal Perth hospital. Australia.  6. I AM A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIO...