I ask for your prayers and support to raise awareness of domestic violence. If you would like to give donations, I have also created a GoFundMe to help with my living expenses and help me get out of the house and live in a nursing home.
Please save my life. I don't want to live with my wife and my mother-in-law anymore. I need a bed for my body, mind and soul to recover. I need someone who can help me to urinate and defecate. I am vegetarian eat vegetables foods that are easy to chew Because my teeth are missing.
My GoFundMe website https://gofund.me/fbe6ca1f
Thank you very much for reading my story and give donations to me. I really appreciate your kindness and generosity. God bless you and your family always healthy every day, Many abundant fortune every day and long life.
My website https://8gofundme.blogspot.com.
My website https://expired-bread.blogspot.com
Best regards
Frengkie Budiman
My mobile phone number WhatsApp is +61434265909. Thank you very much
Photo since September 21, 2024. my right hand palm, finger and arm STIFF and LIMITED MOVING and SWOLLEN. Until now my right hand palm, finger and arm STIFF and LIMITED MOVING.
Hello I am Frengkie Budiman mobile +61434265909. I have CANCER COLON RECTAL and LUNG. I URINATE use CATHETER for EVERY 4 HOURS 6 TIMES A DAY. I DEFECATE from POUCH (BAG ) on my STOMACH and that have SMALL INTESTINE OUT from my STOMACH.
Photo my Centerlink medical certificate at 21 August 2024 from doctor oncology Dr Timothy Humphries at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia.
30 July 2024 I sign up letter of my Chemotherapy at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia.
Photo my letter of chemotherapy at 30 July 2024 from doctor oncology Dr Timothy Humphries at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia.
Photo on my STOMACH there is a red object, that is the SMALL INTESTINE coming out of the STOMACH for defecation.
Photo my stoma bag on my STOMACH have small intestine inside for defecate. Many times defecate every day.
Video my stoma bag on my STOMACH have small intestine inside for defecate. Many times defecate every day.
Photo I was at 10 July 2024 at the Royal Perth Hospital in the Perth City of Perth Western Australia I had surgery for 6 hours to remove a 2 cm tumor in my LARGE INTESTINE and had my LARGE INTESTINE RECONNECTED AGAIN and a POUCH was placed in my STOMACH which had my SMALL INTESTINE is OUT FROM MY TUMMY. I defecated (POO) through a POUCH (BAG) on my STOMACH where my SMALL INTESTINE is out from MY STOMACH.
I still have a 7 mm TUMOUR in my LUNG. I have COLON CANCER and LUNG CANCER.
Video I was at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia after 10 July 2024 I had surgery for 6 hours to remove a 2 cm tumor in my LARGE INTESTINE and had my LARGE INTESTINAL RECONNECTED AGAIN and a POUCH was placed in my TUMMY which had my SMALL INTESTINAL is OUT FROM MY TUMMY. I defecated (POO) through a POUCH in my TUMMY where my SMALL INTESTINE is out from MY TUMMY.
Photo I was at Armadale hospital. 12 August 2024 doctor put in PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) in my left hand for infusion of chemotherapy for 6 months.
Photo PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) in my left hand for infusion of chemotherapy for 6 months.
Photo Results my MRI test page 1
Photo Results my MRI test page 2
Photo my CT scan results at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia.
Photo my CT scan results at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia.
September 10, 2023 at the Royal Perth Hospital in the City of Perth in Western Australia I had surgery for MY BROKEN TAILBONE. SPINE CORD INJURIES. INSTALL IRON PLATES on the left and right to hold my spine. My bladder nervous injury. I cannot urinate normally. I URINATE WITH A CATHETER for EVERY 4 HOURS 6 TIMES A DAY. Early morning i wake up TWICE for URINATE use CATHETER. I have spinal cord injury. My back body that surgery pain if I standing too long or I sit down too long. My right leg every time tingling.
Photo my X-ray result at Royal Perth hospital in Perth City Western Australia. I had operation surgery 10 September 2023.
I am Frengkie Budiman 55 year old and I am facing the toughest battle of my life.
I have been abused for over 12 years by my wife and mother-in-law (MIL).
I constantly received verbal abuse and harassment, which caused my mental condition to worsen. When hurt and mentally abused. This ultimately took its toll on me as I have now been diagnosed with Colon and Lung Cancer.
I am forced to do physical work at home despite having just had major surgery on my broken tailbone (spinal cord injury) last September (i.e. my Mother-in-Law forced me to clean the toilet after my surgery), and if I go against it, I will be bombarded again with insults and verbal abuse that my brain can no longer accept.
I wish I could fight back or fight back but I can't because I have been mentally hurt since day one and my mind has been damaged forever from receiving daily verbal abuse from them especially in front of 2 sweet boys. Sometimes I think even dogs or cats are treated so much better than me.
Now I have been diagnosed with lung and colon cancer and I really need your support.
I had nothing left – no house, no possessions, and no financial security.
My body and mind have been damaged by constant abuse and harassment :
1. I had surgery for a BROKEN TAIL BONE (SPINAL CORD INJURY) on September 10, 2023.
2. I CANNOT URINATE NORMALLY - I have to use a CATHETER tube through my penis EVERY 4 HOURS 6 TIMES A DAY to drain the fluid.
3. Because of my COLON CANCER, the doctor had to cut my colon and put it back together. I now DEFECATE through a STOMAL POUCH in my STOMACH that is my SMALL INTESTINE OUT from my STOMACH for DEFECATE.
4. I also have LUNG CANCER.
5. And the worst - my 2 boys who have been told by their mother and grandmother about how bad or useless I am as their father.
Despite these challenges, I remain determined to fight for my health and future to accompany my two sons.
I can't do it alone. I need your help to cover the costs of medical care, living expenses, and rebuilding my life.
Your donation will go directly to:
- Cancer treatments and medical bills.
- Rent and utilities for a safe place to live.
- Food and basic necessities.
- Legal fees to protect myself from further harassment.
Any contribution, big or small, could you please can make via the GoFundMe site https://gofund.me/f512d5c7, will give me hope and help me get back on my feet. Your kindness and support means a lot to me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. Please share this page https://7gofundme.blogspot.com with your loved ones and friends and let's fight cancer and abuse together.
If you would like to come to see me to see the POUCH (BAG) on my STOMACH which is the SMALL INTESTINE OUT of MY STOMACH, could you please call or SMS first to Frengkie Budiman's mobile number +61434265909. Thank you very much.